Thursday, April 30, 2009

cuban linx 2

hopefully this will finally drop.. over 10 years after the first one. i'm hyped.

green minded

everyones favorite alien workshop soundtrackers have a new song up on their site that is off an upcoming album. classic dino, so of course its solid.
check it out at

so so bad, its kinda good.


theny checked in from road. sounds fun... summertime is here and i'm getting the itch to see whats around the corner. 

steve's got the right idea. he stopped by today and geared up for a northeast trip.. new york, philly, boston. 

morning wood

5 boro and blueprint and benny fairfax's first pro board from stereo!
a whole range of mini's for the childrens


nike sb caps
soccer styled jerseys


Concluding outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

As of today, the STL article's been up for a week. And since I'm pretty much out of leftovers, this will be the last SLAP article post.

Go have some fun like these dudes, and if your wheels are yellow, change them shits.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

Here's Drew getting side to side while going up and down at Shitside. Kudos to the concrete kids for creating obstacles and providing another spot for the STL skate scene. Can't wait for those corner barriers to get finished...

And if you're down to support the cause, I'm pretty sure there's a donation jar up at Infinity, buy something from the shop while you're there too.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

yeah bro

its warming up out there and everyone needs a pair of trunks for summer. no real skater wants to venture into a surf shop for any reason.... sooo we got you covered.

rvca baggies

fish and chips and more

cool nike sb europe crew short.. mr. dan magee of blueprint skateboards handled the editing and filming duties.. he is my favorite at that side of things. can't wait to check out his work in the new blueprint video dropping in the next few months.


frankie, matt, kyle, john and dustin embarked on their roadtrip extravaganza yesterday. florida to oregon and back... hope they don't strangle each other
check out the trip on their travel blog

frankies travel whip

theny is expecting to climb everest with his choice of boots
there are two surfboards in there somewhere

looks like someone besides john brought their board

my friend jonathan spiced up his wedding with some colorful sb's from the 561. 

james came up on a zip zinger
stefan janoski's new nike sb shoe is dropping next month and our visual and marketing expert casey hooked up the new window display
yes those are ryan ricci's legs and yes those are ugg slippers at the bottom of them. amazing.

on the come up

big time! 
561 team and LRG flow rider mr. john clayton graces this months cover of focus skate mag with a massive nose skidder in orlando. we should have copies in by next week.


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

Yes, Jon Schwartz did this twice. And with minimal effort too. I think that's actually why the spot got bulldozed.

SLAP chose to run with the long lens because it shows the spot better (which I think was the right decision), but the flip on this one is twice as nice.


Grizz has taken up a new hobby since he's off the board and borrowing one of Robocop's legs. Without a doubt, I'll be the first in line at his show. (Unless he becomes the new stitch in Pink Sock*). That being said; get those scales down, Grizzler.

*Just kidding, Drew.

Monday, April 27, 2009

We all know Koston can do it

where's koston gonna end up? did he really leave lakai? back at sole tech? adidas? vans? crocs? this photo in the big gulps looks pretty legit.. we'll see. lakai rep is rolling through tomorrow, i'll see if i can get the lowdown.


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

SLAP didn't want this sequence of Kendal Temming, but it sure did make Barbie wet.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Bobby decided to wear shorts the other day. Bold move. We also decided to go to the tennis courts. Another bold move, seeing as how Randy is sick of seeing posts featuring that very spot. But Randy be damned, we went there anyway. Was it out of spite? No. Well, maybe. Never the less, after that we went to check out some spots downtown, including this bank to drop that Bob did a pop shuvit into. Then as we were leaving that spot, Bob noticed a ledge on a wall right across the street, so he 50-50'd it and tried not to scrape his knees. All in a Bob's day's work, all in shorts no less. -Worful


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

A good still beats a sequence any day, but this is classic Mitts. Mittzaholics rejoice!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

krooked kid

561 keeping it krooked...

whats up with your name

one of my favorite skaters, huf.. keith hufnagel gets the asian borat / chris farley show treatment in this 

way hot

Friday, April 24, 2009


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

I understand why this one didn't pass editorial muster, but I wish it would've. I certainly fought for it, that's for damn sure. I mean, c'mon, smith to smith to fakes? That's creativity right there. Plus the trick just looks like it'd be a lot of fun. Magazines and skateboard media kinda lose sight of that sometimes. Anyway, Gabe, now that you've got a video camera, could you do the world a big favor and get Ryan Brinkman to film a full part? Pretty please?

5 boro leftovers

5boro is one of the best companies out there. by skaters for skaters. check out some throwaways from a soon to be released
full length vid.


available saturday april 25th at 11 am
very limited sizes.. 1 per customer
nike sb dunk mid elite "digital camo/goldfish " $120


Continuing outtakes from SLAP's St. Louis article...

Drew and his spirit animal are so into tree hugging that he decided to go get a sex change—naturally, of course.

P.S. Shel Silverstein...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

goat you covered

our homies over at the goat ramp compound are going to be putting on a demo saturday at the surfrider beach cleanup at stuart beach. check the flyer below for some details and check out their site
mr. johnny clayton getting up on a picturesque ollie over a goat ramp.

black, check. vulc, check.

lakai cairo foster select $52

thursday randoms

this guy was waiting for me at the door today...
my email is getting backed up again.. sorry if i skip a reply here and there. i really try to keep up on things. it gets kinda hectic though, don't take it personal.

another happy krooked kustomer
james cronk has some serious rio pride