Saturday, May 9, 2009

from the road..

John checked in with me yesterday with an update from the roadtrip. sounded like they were having a solid time, but were too busy to update their blogger... soooo, i googled up some images to match with the timeline he gave me of the last few days:

couple days in portland
experienced burnside... vibes and all
on to crater lake where there was still snow
then down the mountain where they sweated it out at medford skatepark. 
camping in nor cal at the avenue of the giants. i really, really hope they took a picture like this.. kyle, theny, john and frankie all holding hands. cute.

then on to SF, john was in the center of it all on market street when he called. i could hear the sounds of the city in the background and i was ready to head west immediately
they had a couple days to explore the city...
and hit up the new potrero park... hopefully they'll get a busenitz sighting 

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