Monday, July 20, 2009

Nike p-rod 3 wear test weekend

this is gonna be a seriously lengthy post. I got invited by the swoosh to come out to Los Angeles for the release party/weartest for the Paul Rodriguez 3 shoe. a small group of top nike accounts were selected.. only two others from florida, MIA and SPOT. pretty elite company. the basic premise of the weekend is come out, get the tech breakdown of the shoe, meet the people behind the scenes at nike, meet the guys behind the top shops, and skate the shoes!

leaving florida early in the morning (check that 4:46 am!). humid and hot.

waiting at the airport. packing light is crucial. 1 bag. 1 board. 1 pair of shoes. carry it all on.
Limo! i've never even been in a limo. much less at the expense of jordan.
almost limo.. but the driver did have my name on a piece of paper.
hotel-ed up at the roosevelt in hollywood... BIG TIME! this is where marilyn monroe lived. check out the wiki on it here
view out toward downtown LA

it was directly across the street from the graumanns on the walk of fame.
and right around the block from these famous rails.. hollywood high

pinks hotdogs... always a line. i once waited over an hour and a half to eat here.
bape is dead
someone random boardslid this.. adrian mallory? sammy baca?
typical palm tree shot
skate stopped
private dinner for the nike crew
over looking the pool area. just an observation... if i went to a community pool in stuart and there were that many wierdos swimming in the water i would go home, but for some reason this is the spot to be in hollywood. i'll take a zero.
our nike sb rep.. mr. ryan dodge
amazing foodage
had to skip out and take a walk.
found a good one. satchmo
had some special edition p-rod 3's waiting on my bed in a wooden box.
red suede! so hyped i didn't get the white ones. these are apparently gonna be a quickstrike in september.
the next morning was the weartest day. walked outside from breakfast to find two bachelor party buses waiting for us.
tucker from familia in minnesota was hyped on the stripper pole
the roof kept changing colors

first stop was the p-rod street plaza that was designed by lance mountain

the griffith park replica banks

smooth ledges
famous rail replica
brick hip
zach malfa-kowalski from Slap getting up on the weird tranny
finding some shade. it was damn hot in the valley
lunch boxes for everyone
2nd stop was paul's personal warehouse. watched paul to a nollie heel backlip on the flatbar... then follow it up with the switch three flipper down the stairs. so consistent.

nugget and theotis.
i'm completely backing theotis. nicest kid ever. always a huge smile. grateful. polite. i wish more kids were like that. definitely a fan now.
paul's ride... kid is doing something right.

hollywood bowl
the outside of bus #1
amazing mexican catering for dinner back at the roosevelt .. check out the mini tabasco bottle
the lineup.. james craig is in the middle there.
hotel view of the pool
this was the weather report leaving LA... no humidity of course.
LAX is madness

got a window view homeward bound.

above the clouds..

was an amazing trip. got to see some ill skating from p-rod, brad staba, theotis beasley, nugget, torey pudwell, rodrigo petersen, jack curtin, dave mackey and more. got to catch up with some old friends.. chris from MIA, ryan dodge, and nick halkias. got to meet some new friends.. tucker from famila and steve from the goods. one thing i wanted to mention that i noticed.. everyone from nike sb skates... the midwest rep rob sissi nollie heelflipped the hip, ryan dodge was ripping, kevin imamura was icing his hand from a slam he took, shoe designer shawn baravetto fakie flipped the hip, northeast rep tyler tufty was shredding.. its so good to see that. no surf brahs, no snow bros, it was all real skateboarders behind the scenes. thanks to everyone at nike Sb for keeping it real and for the opportunity to see it first hand.
561 is down for the swoosh!

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