Sunday, August 30, 2009

august randoms

back to the posting grind!

brad cut out from NYC and made an appearance at the 561. and yes, he skates in his UNLV dunks. he's also got the best address for a website ever...
stole these photos of 561 homie and nike sb repper ryan dodge from the tampa site. scuffing up those fresh supreme bruins on a recent trip to atlanta

goat at the moat. tim, robin, and crew held down the mini rampage at the moat show at tampa. everything ran proper and everyone had a solid time.. free asahi and tattoos for all. if anyone needs a ramp in their yard or for an event, get in touch with these dudes HERE!

the 561 Rio peacock tees are a hit. here is the first purchaser spotted at the gardens in palm beach. get em quick! they are dissappearing fast.
bmxicans. tough guys

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